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Building on an enhanced awareness of the European guidelines promoting a European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the Partnership gathered around the Erasmus+ project ELSE has tried to respond to this and a number of core pedagogical questions, such as:
➢ are we really teaching and learning competences at university level?
➢ how can we develop pedagogies that enhance student-centredness?
➢ is technology the only answer to our issues in teaching/learning?
➢ if, for example, we adopt a flipped classroom approach and use internet materials, what precisely are we to do in class?
➢ and what about assessing competences and learning outcomes at all stages?
When COVID-19 struck, we were part way through our project development. Across all educational establishments, having to switch to distance or blended learning at relative short notice carried a very real risk: that educators would take the tried and tested f2f delivery style, and simply transpose it online. Same stuff, different context. The work done in ELSE contributed to a reconceptualisation of T&L in a way that made it fit for the changed context and whose benefits will outlive the contingency of the pandemic. The aims of ELSE were:
✓ to experiment strategies to innovate Higher Education teaching methods
✓ to design an integrated curriculum where the delivery of academic content is coterminous with, and enhanced by, the acquisition of competences and transversal skills appropriate for the digital age
✓ to fill the gap in the andragogical-pedagogical training of us all as academic teaching staff.
At the end of our journey, we disseminate our results and present our Intellectual Outputs to universities and schools. The ELSE Multiplier Event must necessarily be an online event (on ZOOM). Yet we will show you how you can exploit the technologies we have learnt to use in the past two years, and we will convince you about our method. We will let you put your hands on our tools!