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Publicado em: 20 Maio 2024

Critical perspectives on integrated reporting

The ISCAP/IPP Accounting Webinar Series

No próximo dia 21 de maio de 2024, pelas 14h30, realiza-se o seguinte seminário no âmbito do ciclo The ISCAP/IPP Accounting Webinar Series.

Critical perspectives on integrated reporting. Oradora convidada: Michelle Rodrigue (Université Laval, Canada)

Link para participar: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/96893600527?pwd=VzVPUzg3TlpGS2NQeEc0cVRYU0FpUT09

O webinar está integrado nas actividades de unidades curriculares da Licenciatura em Contabilidade e Administração; Licenciatura em Assessoria e Tradução; Licenciatura em Comunicação Empresarial; Mestrado em Contabilidade e Finanças; Mestrado em Finanças Empresariais; e Mestrado em Gestão e Regime Jurídico-Empresarial da Economia Social.

O evento destina-se a estudantes, docentes e investigadores da área da Contabilidade; e insere-se -se nas actividades desenvolvidas pelo CEOS.PP. Responsável pelos eventos: Cláudia Teixeira (mclaudia@iscap.ipp.pt).


Guest Speaker:

Michelle Rodrigue is Professor of Accounting at the School of Accounting of Université Laval (Québec, Canada).  While her research work revolves around sustainability accounting, her research themes of predilection examine the multiple forms of sustainability-related challenges raised by stakeholders to corporations, and the role accounting and reporting play in shaping and dealing with these challenges.  Valuing engagement with the research and practice communities, she is a member of the editorial board of many leading accounting academic journals, a Council member of the Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research (University of St.Andrews) and member of the Centre for Research on Accounting and Sustainability (Université Laval). Also a Certified Public Accountant (CPA (Canada), she engages with the Canadian accounting profession on the ways to train accounting practitioners on climate change issues. Keen to transfer her research interests into the classroom, Michelle teaches accounting, auditing and governance for sustainability at the bachelor, master and doctoral levels.

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