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Masterclasses do Mestrado em Estudos Interculturais para Negócios



10 > 12.05.2021 · 19:00 > 22:00



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Dias 10 e 12 de maio de 2021

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Segunda-feira, 10 de maio de 2021, 19h00-22h00
Título: Intercultural communication and global business: Theory and practice
Reunião Zoom: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/81683316885?pwd=SDcwVEh4VWpoaVVEMVhpczZhR3YyQT09

Quarta-feira, 12 de maio de 2021, 19h00-22h00
Título: English Communication for Business
Reunião Zoom: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/81673592787?pwd=eEdJNTN0ZitycnVuV3BCQVhsbWhCQT09


Título: Intercultural communication and global business: Theory and practice 

In this session we will approach the field of intercultural communication from the lens of key authors from Spanish and Hispanic cultures. The class will be given a brief introduction to some relevant findings by scholars from Spanish-speaking backgrounds, e.g. Rodrigo Alsina 1999; Ivorra Pérez 2014. Why do we need an intercultural lens to conduct business? How does language proficiency differ (or not) from cultural competencies? What are some usual barriers to intercultural communication for business professionals? Examples from Spanish-speaking countries will be discussed. A brief theoretical introduction will be followed by an open discussion.
In the second part of the session, we will explore the nuanced differences between Spanish culture and Hispanic culture for business, looking at some textual examples. Students will work in groups (assigned random Zoom rooms) where they will discuss the assigned text/s and have the time to pose questions to each other before reconvening at the joint room where results will be shared with the class.
A final part will deal with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on business worldwide, with a particular focus on Spanish-speaking countries: In order to foster teamwork, the session will take the form of a seminar on Spain & Hispano-America’s business-related news (press clippings and/or short videos to be circulated). Ability to reach common-ground solutions will be positively evaluated.

A oradora:
Ana Belén Martínez García, PhD, is Associate Professor of English at ISSA – Applied Management, at the University of Navarra, Spain. Her research focuses on life writing and emotions, with special interest in young women activists for human rights. Her interest in migration and digital media has led her to join organizations such as IABA (International Auto/Biography Association), ISSN (International Society for the Study of Narrative), SELMA – Centre for the Study of Storytelling, Experientiality and Memory, and Culture and Its Uses as Testimony, writing related conference papers and publications. In her book, New Forms of Self-Narration: Young Women, Life Writing and Human Rights, she insists on the need to read life-writing texts across a multiplicity of media, online and offline, looking at them as a single, though multifaceted, life-writing project. In the case of migrants and refugees, said project has as its aim generating awareness and potentially effecting social change.
Twitter: @AnaBMartinezG


Título: English Communication for Business 

The 3-hour session will combine some theory with seminar-like methodology to foster teamwork and experiential learning. Entirely on Zoom, breakout rooms will be available to enable participants to collaborate with each other.
First, we will discuss some frequent Word business documents, including letters and emails (1h enquiries & replies). After a brief introduction, students will be assigned in groups and will work together toward a final document using common Word review features, e.g. track changes, comments…
Next, students will consider what’s at stake in the job application process. They will learn how to write a cover letter and a CV or résumé, how to prepare for a job/internship interview, how to prepare a profile video, and will gain some insights into what constitutes one’s personal brand as well as tips on how to build one.
The session will end by a discussion on some of the translation tools/practices most useful in the business world. 

A oradora:
Ana Belén Martínez García, PhD, is Associate Professor of English at ISSA – Applied Management, at the University of Navarra, Spain. Her research focuses on life writing and emotions, with special interest in young women activists for human rights. Her interest in migration and digital media has led her to join organizations such as IABA (International Auto/Biography Association), ISSN (International Society for the Study of Narrative), SELMA – Centre for the Study of Storytelling, Experientiality and Memory, and Culture and Its Uses as Testimony, writing related conference papers and publications. In her book, New Forms of Self-Narration: Young Women, Life Writing and Human Rights, she insists on the need to read life-writing texts across a multiplicity of media, online and offline, looking at them as a single, though multifaceted, life-writing project. In the case of migrants and refugees, said project has as its aim generating awareness and potentially effecting social change.
Twitter: @AnaBMartinezG




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