Entrada > Investigação > Projetos > Concluídos > IP STIP 2014 – Sustainable Tourism in Practice (ERASMUS Intensive Programme)

IP STIP 2014 – Sustainable Tourism in Practice (ERASMUS Intensive Programme)

Name of the Project: Sustainable Tourism in Practice
Project number: 
Project Coordinator: Laurea University of Applied Sciences [FI] | Contact person: Sanna Juvonen
Type of Project: ERASMUS Intensive Programme
Project lifetime: 1 year, starting in 2013
Mobility period: from the 30th of March to the 12th of April 2014


P1 – Tarptautinė teisės ir verslo aukštoji mokykla [LT] | Contact person: Laura Stukenaite
P2 – IMC Fachhochschule Krems / University of Applied Sciences [AT] | Contact person: Max Schachner
P3 – Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto [PT] | Contact person: José Magalhães
P4 – Háskólinn Bifröst / Bifrost University [IS]) | Contact person: Einar Svansson

Aims and Objectives

The objective of STIP is to increase the competencies and skills related to sustainable tourism: solving problems associated with sustainable tourism, analyzing sustainable tourism from different perspectives, implementing sustainable tourism in practice by developing solutions to enterprises involved with STIP how to implement tourism in practice.

The latest knowledge is provided to students with presentations, company visits, workshops and lectures. The students and staff members from different fields will bring into the program their expertise. Through this combination of skills all participants will be able to learn much more than when working individually, just with their own areas of expertise. The aim is that students create material, innovations and solutions for enterprises in the field of sustainable tourism

Students will exchange ideas through an intercultural communication and interdisciplinary approach. Partners in IP have different competencies: marketing, business, cruise industry, accessible tourism, hotel, tourism, hospitality and sustainability. Cooperation with enterprises will be increased by introducing companies’ new ideas and solving their problems in the field of sustainable tourism.  The aim is to provide wider European approach to all participants trough the STIP by working intensively together and sharing ideas and expertise in multicultural and multidisciplinary way.

The IP ties in with the existing teaching programmes and aims to increase the European mobility of students and staff members are key issues. The IP is an essential part of the curriculum in the partner institutions and students are awarded 5 ECTS credits. STIP IP has an integrated approach to the topics. In all participating countries there is a demand for broadening knowledge about sustainable tourism. IP suits well participant institutions programs as sustainability issues are part of their studies. However there is a need in participating institutions to broaden knowledge on chosen topic.  The IP is a part of the curriculum in partner institutions.

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