Entrada > Investigação > Projetos > Concluídos > Improvisation Ice Cream with Strawberries (Youth Exchange)

Improvisation Ice Cream with Strawberries (Youth Exchange)

5 participants from ProjISCAP have participated in youth exchange “IMPROVISATION ICE-CREAM WITH STRAWBERRIES”. The idea for the meeting in Lithuania countryside villa was more than fabulous, we had mission to unite 30 youth from six countries that are interested in contact improvisation and aimed to understand how contact improvisation can be used for creating and cherish team spirit.

The students that represented ISCAP in this Youth Exchange were:

  • Armando Ribeiro | 2110494 | Marketing student
  • Daniela Ramos | 2120185 | Management of Tourism Activities student
  • Duarte Fernandes | 2100999 | International Commerce student
  • Gonçalo Pinheiro | 2080352 | Marketing student
  • Nelson Pinto | 2120474 | Accounting and Administration student


The initiators (NGO Lasnamae Hobby School, Association IKS, ISCAP‐IPP, Agenzia per la Promozione dei Giovani, Mladiinfo ČR, Contact Improvisation Club) have experienced very intensive program trying contact improvisation techniques, using vairous formats (silent robin, underscore, without format). The leading choreographer and initiator of Physical-Visual Theatre Andrius Pulkauninkas. He was the main author of well know performancies in Baltic countries “Pasklidas” in Vilnius (Lithuania)  and solo performance "Blooming".

During youth exchange program we also explored body language topic in order to analyse human personality. Professional psychologist  has presented recent scientific research data on body language, to develop skills for maximising communication effectiveness using vairuos gestures, poses. We had interesting session on teamwork activities were fund out more about our roles in teams. During special workshop participants have experienced links between movements, thoughts and behaviour.

One youth exchange evening was dedicated for presenting national dances from Project countries (Estonia, Croatia, Italy, Portugal, Czech Republic and Lithuania) and learning basic dance steps.  Group have also collected national songs and taught them others.

During the week participants have develop their facilitation skills using contact improvisation practice; they practice to lead youth teams, CI leaders will demonstrated how to integrated motion with teatralic elements. 
The last day participants presented all week prepared performance based on contact improvisation methods in old town in Vilnius for public. The event have attracted attention of local society.

The title of the Project " IMPROVISATION ICE-CREAM WITH STRAWBERRIES" was depicted to underline how tasty is to contact and that contact is not eating tasty desert, the most fascinating thing is discovering smth in this taste – like strawberries.

Photos of youth exchange can be found here

The Project was partly financed by Youth in Action program.

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