Entrada > Destaques > Notícias > 2022 > The ISCAP/IPP Accounting Webinar Series
Publicado em: 12 Outubro 2022

The ISCAP/IPP Accounting Webinar Series

The ISCAP/IPP Accounting Webinar Series are designed to explore relevant topics within the accounting discipline.

During the 2021/2022 academic year, ISCAP/IPP hosted a series of international webinars designed to explore relevant topics within the accounting discipline with prominent scholars in the field.  

The events are aimed at the academic community and open to the wider community and, this semester, attracted participants from Australia, Czech Republic, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Japan, Portugal, Poland, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.  

The ISCAP/IPP Accounting Webinar Series are convened by Cláudia Teixeira, Adjunct Professor at ISCAP/IPP, and supported by the Public Relations Office (GCRP) and the Centre for Social and Organizational Studies of P.Porto (CEOS.PP). These webinars relate to academic activities in the following programes: Accounting and Administration, Administrative Assistance and Translation, Business Communication, Master in Accounting and Finance, Master in Corporate Finance and the Master in Social Economics.    

More details of the webinars conducted, are as follows:    

13 October 2021, “Revolutionising the Accounting Curriculum in Higher Education”, Alan Sangster (University of Aberdeen), https://www.iscap.ipp.pt/destaques-1/noticias/revolutionising-the-accounting-curriculum-in-higher-education  

17 November 2021, “Accounting for Human Rights: A New Paradigm for Researching and Teaching Accounting”, Ken McPhail (University of Manchester),  https://www.iscap.ipp.pt/destaques-1/noticias/accounting-for-human-rights-a-new-paradigm-for-researching-and-teaching-accounting 

13 December 2021, “Extinction Governance, Finance and Accounting: Implementing a Species Protection Action Plan for the Financial Markets", Jill Atkins (University of Sheffield), https://www.iscap.ipp.pt/destaques-1/noticias/extinction-governance-finance-and-accounting-implementing-a-species-protection-action-plan-for-the-financial-markets 

15 December 2021, “Making the invisibles visible: Including animals in sustainability (and) accounting”, Eija Vinnari (Tampere University), https://www.iscap.ipp.pt/destaques-1/noticias/making-the-invisibles-visible-including-animals-in-sustainability-and-accounting  

 16 December 2021, “Redefining Accounting for Tomorrow: Accounting for a Better World”, Garry Carnegie (RMIT), https://www.iscap.ipp.pt/destaques-1/noticias/redefining-accounting-for-tomorrow-accounting-for-a-better-world  

25 January 2022, “Soccer Society: accounting, auditing and accountability of global football” Irvine Lapsley (University of Edinburgh), https://www.iscap.ipp.pt/destaques-1/noticias/soccer-society-accounting-auditing-and-accountability-of-global-football 

16 February 2022, “Research, Risk, Relevance and Purpose: Projects that make a difference”, Ian Thomson (University of Birmingham), https://www.iscap.ipp.pt/destaques-1/noticias/research-risk-relevance-and-purpose-projects-that-make-a-difference 

3 March 2022, “The gradual retreat from academic citizenship”, Meredith Tharapos (RMIT University), https://www.iscap.ipp.pt/destaques-1/noticias/the-gradual-retreat-from-academic-citizenship 

8 March 2022, “Accounting Associations and Research Networks: the British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) and the Portuguese Accounting Research Network (GRUDIS)”, Stewart Smyth (University of Sheffield), Karen McBride (University of Portsmouth) and Aldónio Ferreira (Monash University), https://www.iscap.ipp.pt/destaques-1/noticias/accounting-associations-and-research-networks-the-british-accounting-and-finance-association-bafa-and-the-portuguese-accounting-research-network-grudis 

9 March 2022, “Accounting Associations and Research Networks: The Centre for Social and Environmental Research (CSEAR)”, John Ferguson (University of St Andrews) e Shona Russel (University of St Andrews), https://www.iscap.ipp.pt/destaques-1/noticias/accounting-associations-and-research-networks-the-centre-for-social-and-environmental-research-csear 

22 March 2022, “Exploring the Historical Roots of Environmental and Ecological Accounting, Auditing and Accountability”, Jill Atkins (University of Sheffield) and Karen McBride (University of Portsmouth), https://www.iscap.ipp.pt/destaques-1/noticias/exploring-the-historical-roots-of-environmental-and-ecological-accounting-auditing-and-accountability 

23 March 2022, “Beyond shareholder value: challenging ideology in accounting education”, John Ferguson (University of St Andrews), https://www.iscap.ipp.pt/destaques-1/noticias/beyond-shareholder-value-challenging-ideology-in-accounting-education 

31 March 2022, “Accounting history in a digital age”, Martin Quinn (Queen’s University Belfast) and Brid Murphy (Dublin City University), https://www.iscap.ipp.pt/destaques-1/noticias/accounting-history-in-a-digital-age 

27 April 2022, “Accounting Associations and Research Networks: the Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ)”, Tom Scott (Auckland University of Technology) and Victoria Clout (UNSW Sydney), https://www.iscap.ipp.pt/destaques-1/noticias/accounting-associations-and-research-networks-the-accounting-finance-association-of-australia-and-new-zealand-afaanz 

3 May 2022, “Open Accounting Manifesto Webinar Series’ wrap-up seminar”, Charles Cho (Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada), Andrea Romi (Rawls College of Business, Texas Tech University, USA), Diane-Laure Arjaliès (Ivey Business School at Western University) and Stewart Smyth (University of Sheffield), https://www.iscap.ipp.pt/destaques-1/noticias/open-accounting-manifesto-webinar-series 

10 May 2022, “Looking ahead: Reflections on Impactful Accounting Education”, Ian Thomson (University of Birmingham), Cláudia Teixeira (ISCAP/IPP), Martin Quinn (Queen’s University Belfast), Lisa Powell (Monash University) and Tiago Cardão-Pito (ISEG/UL), https://www.iscap.ipp.pt/destaques-1/noticias/the-iscap-ipp-accounting-webinar-series-iscap  

25 May 2022, “From accounting-based accountability to accountability-based accounting”, Jesse Dillard (Portland State University) and Eija Vinnari (Tampere University), https://www.iscap.ipp.pt/destaques-1/noticias/from-accounting-based-accountability-to-accountability-based-accounting 

15 June 2022, “Looking ahead: Reflections on Impactful Accounting Education”, Garry Carnegie (RMIT), John Ferguson (University of St. Andrews), Marta Almeida (NOVA SBE), Radiah Othman (Massey University) and Teresa Eugénio (ESTG, IPL), https://www.iscap.ipp.pt/destaques-1/noticias/looking-ahead-reflections-on-impactful-accounting-education 

13 July 2022, “Revitalising the enterprise university post-COVID 19: a focus on business schools in higher education institutions”, Brendan O'Connell (RMIT) and Meredith Tharapos (RMIT), https://www.iscap.ipp.pt/destaques-1/noticias/iscap-ipp-accounting-webinar-series-13-07-2022-09h00-online 

20 July 2022, “Looking ahead: Reflections on Impactful Accounting Education”, Alan Sangster (University of Aberdeen), Alberto J. Costa (University of Aveiro), Fernando Gutiérrez-Hidalgo (University of Pablo de Olavide), Nick McGuigan (Monash University), Susana Jorge (University of Coimbra), https://www.iscap.ipp.pt/destaques-1/noticias/iscap-ipp-accounting-webinar-series-20-07-2022-09h30 

+ info. Previous events:  


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