Entrada > Destaques > Notícias > 2022 > From accounting-based accountability to accountability-based accounting
Publicado em: 26 Maio 2022

From accounting-based accountability to accountability-based accounting

25 Maio de 2022 | 14h30 | Online

No próximo dia 25 de Maio de 2022, realizar-se-á pelas 14h30 (PT/UK time) um webinar subordinado ao tema "From accounting-based accountability to accountability-based accounting". Oradores convidados: Jesse Dillard (Portland State University) e Eija Vinnari (Tampere University). 

Este seminário está integrado nas actividades de unidades curriculares da Licenciatura em Contabilidade e Administração; Licenciatura em Assessoria e Tradução; Licenciatura em Comunicação Empresarial; Mestrado em Contabilidade e Finanças, Mestrado em Finanças Empresariais e Mestrado em Economia Social. O evento destina-se a estudantes, docentes e investigadores da área da contabilidade; e insere-se no âmbito da Linha de Investigação "Accountability and Reporting" desenvolvida pelo CEOS.PP. Caso pretenda participar, p.f., contactar Cláudia Teixeira (mclaudia@iscap.ipp.pt)   

Data: 25 Maio de 2022 | 14h30
Link para reunião: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/82979370207?pwd=VHljc2R3dE9DTXVDVkY5NTVnYjNHUT09
ID: 829 7937 0207

Passcode: 795296 

Oradores convidados: 
Jesse Dillard (Ph.D) is Professor Emeritus at Portland State University and holds adjunct/honorary positions at the University of Burgos, Victoria University – Wellington, and University of Central Florida. Jesse’s current research interests include the ethical and public interest implications of administrative and information technologies particularly as they affect social and environmental justice, sustainability and accountability. He is current engaged with various colleagues in a research program designed to facilitate progressive social programs by broadening out and opening up the conceptualization and implementation of accounting and accountability systems so as to render visible understandings that heretofore have not been recognized. Taking pluralism seriously requires the democratization of accounting and accountability. Understanding the political nature of these systems is a prerequisite to designing and implementing systems that give voice to generally under recognized or underrepresented constituencies such as migrant workers, minority groups, physically challenged, indigenous peoples, future generations, nonhuman animals, and the earth. Current projects include developing agonistics-grounded critical dialogic accounting and accountability frameworks and responding to the current epidemic of “disclosure-sclerosis” in social and environmental accounting by advocating accountability-based accounting. Jesse has published on a wide range to topics ranging from artificial intelligence to critical accounting theory. The published works include edited books, book chapters, and articles appearing in leading management and accounting journals. He is the founding editor of Accounting and the Public Interest and serves as an associate editor for Critical Perspectives on Accounting in addition to serving on various editorial boards. Jesse is a member of the Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Hall of Fame.

Eija Vinnari is Full Professor of Public Financial Management at Tampere University, Finland. Eija’s academic work covers a range of fields including accounting, public management, political philosophy, and environmental/animal ethics. A cross-cutting theme of her research in critical accounting is non-human animals as a marginalized constituency. She has examined for instance the moral mechanism and transformative potential of counter accounts produced by animal rights activists as well as ways in which animal rights considerations could be included into the definition of sustainability. Eija is also keen to explore the potential of agonistic democracy and critical dialogic accounting for facilitating a transition towards a more sustainable world characterized by inter-species justice. In broader terms, Eija is fascinated by ontological, epistemological and methodological questions, actor-network theory and discourse analytical approaches. Eija has published on accountability, actor-network theory, agonistics, counter accounts, discursive struggles and sustainability in journals such as Accounting, Organizations and Society; Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal; Critical Perspectives on Accounting; Financial Accountability and Management; Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics; and Local Environment. She has also contributed to several edited volumes. Eija is associate editor of Critical Perspectives on Accounting and she serves on the editorial boards of Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal; Accounting Forum; Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management; and Scandinavian Journal of Management.

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