Entrada > Destaques > Notícias > 2020 - 2021 > E-REI, the E-Journal of Intercultural Studies published by CEI, has been indexed at ERIH PLUS.
Publicado em: 16 Julho 2021

E-REI, the E-Journal of Intercultural Studies published by CEI, has been indexed at ERIH PLUS.

E-REI, the E-Journal of Intercultural Studies, already indexed at Latindex, RCAAP and Google Scholars, has now been added to the ERIH PLUS index, becoming accessible to an even wider community of scholars.

ERIH PLUS is the European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences. The ERIH PLUS listing of E-REI is available at: https://dbh.nsd.uib.no/publiseringskanaler/erihplus/periodical/info?id=500705

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