Entrada > Investigação > Projetos > Concluídos > GeNeus – Gender Neutral Performance and Aptitude Testings

GeNeus – Gender Neutral Performance and Aptitude Testings

Name of the Project: GeNeus – Gender Neutral Performance and Aptitude Testings
Project Number: 2017-1-AT01-KA202-035051
Project Coordinator: Frauen im Brennpunkt (Austria)
Type of Project: Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

Bimec Ltd. (BG)
InovaMais – Serviços de Consultadoria em Inovação Tecnológica S.A. (PT)
Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci (IT)
Servicio Regional de Empleo y Formacion de la Region de Murcia (ES)
Instituto Politécnico do Porto (Portugal)

Project Summary
The project aims at the development, promotion and mainstreaming of a Set of Matrices of Gender Neutral Testing. These Tests will improve equal opportunities of both genders in educational and professional performance, especially also as these tools will be available for free and so many organisations will have access. (at the moment many organisations who cannot afford standardized tests are working with a kind of self-made testing forms, so there might be big differences in quality too).

Coordination of the project in ISCAP / Researchers involved
Prof. Ana Cláudia Rodrigues
Prof. Ana Luisa Martinho
Prof. Ana Isabel Couto
Prof. Manuel Salvador Araújo
(linha de RH do CEOS.PP)

R&D Unit 

Combined Shape
