Entrada > Investigação > Projetos > Concluídos > ACADIGIA - Accelerating aCAdemia´s DIGItal readiness for online and blended Augmented teaching

ACADIGIA - Accelerating aCAdemia´s DIGItal readiness for online and blended Augmented teaching

Name of the Project: ACADIGIA - Accelerating aCAdemia´s DIGItal readiness for online and blended Augmented teaching
Project Number: 2020-1-PT01-KA226-HE-095042
Project Coordinator: Instituto Politécnico do Porto (Portugal)
Type of Project: Erasmus+ KA 226 Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness
Project Lifetime: 1st of March 2021 until 31st of August 2023 

Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain)
Universita Politecnica delle Marche (Italy)
NTUA (Greece)
Inova+ (Portugal)
Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara (Romania)
Trinity College Dublin (Ireland 

Aims and Objectives
The ACADIGIA project is a 24-month initiative to be implemented in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Romania, and Ireland, aiming to accelerate the digital readiness of Polytechnic higher education institutions towards the sustainable adoption of more online and blended approaches in education.       

Overall Objective:
ACADIGIA project, was conceptualized within the joint interest of the institutions involved to develop an acceleration model for enabling Polytechnics to embrace the digital transformation of the education and is founded mainly upon the 1st Strategic priority of the DIGITAL EDUCATION ACTION PLAN - Fostering the development of a high performing digital education ecosystem. 

Specific Objectives:
It is shaped to provide solutions to the overarching problems that were highlighted in a dedicated needs analysis that was performed in the partnering Polytechnics, and summarises the following:

  • Distance learning implemented because of C19 showed that presential classes were transported virtual classes, with videoconference tools, without using e-learning methodologies.
  • Teachers started to use LMS (Learning Management Systems) like Moodle or Blackboard to support their classes. However, they are using it just to disseminate files to students and receiving files of student’s work.
  • Pedagogical skills for distance learning, followed by technical skills are the main skills identified as needed to implement distance learning and using virtual environments.
  • Teachers referred to difficulties in transforming their materials of presential classes to distance learning. They used the same materials and type of classes but knowing that it is not the most proper way to do it.
  • Assessment was the most difficult issue to handle in distance learning. Implement distance assessment is very challenging because there is a lake of trust in online systems. This difficulty mainly shows that teachers need training on e-learning strategies to be able to implement with efficiency online assessment strategies. This issue demonstrates the need for training and preparation need to the overall implementation of distance learning.


The project, following the above context, will generate a viable solution to speed-up towards the digital readiness of Polytechnic HEIs, and focus not only on providing tools and resources for supporting this but also on testing an innovative mentoring scheme that will generate intra-institutional teams of educational practitioners that deepen in reinventing their pedagogies and implementing more online and blended approaches. This will allow to confidently tailor a dedicated fail-proof acceleration model and policy lines for the HEIs to make the methods reproducible, and add this last piece in the transnational scenery to complete the European puzzle of: #Frameworks of operation -> #Evaluation models -> and now the added “Acceleration model”.

Coordination of the project in ISCAP / Researchers involved
Salvador Araújo (Coord.)
Ana Paula Lopes
Paula Peres

Other researchers involved
Cândida Silva
José Reis
Susana Silva 

Research Unit

Project Website

Combined Shape
