Entrada > Investigação > Projetos > Concluídos > TSDIA - Transversal Skills in Destistry: Content and Language Integrated Learning Approach [2015-2017]

TSDIA - Transversal Skills in Destistry: Content and Language Integrated Learning Approach [2015-2017]

Name of the Project: TSDIA – Transversal Skills in Dentistry: Content and Language Integrated Learning Approach [2015-2017]
Project Number: 2014-1-LV01-KA203-013401
Project Coordinator: Latvijas Universitate (Latvia)
Type of Project: ERASMUS+ [Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices]
Project Lifetime: 1st of September 2014 until 31st of August 2017


P1 – Latvijas Universitate [Latvia]
P2 – Instituto Politécnico do Porto [Portugal]
P3 – Stichting VU-VUMC [Netherlands]

Aims and Objectives:

The core goal of the project is to bridge the gap between the higher education offer and real-life transnational demands required by the current labour market. This is reached through an exhaustive analysis of labour market demands,  implementation of innovative teaching/learning practices to meet these demands. In this way, HEIs will examine practices and experiences of HEIs and POs;  thus, equipping hands-off students' experience with increased transversal skills and professional competences that facilitate their employability  both domestically and internationally.

In order to reach the goal of the project,  the objectives are: 1) to carry out analysis in the dentistry sector to see the demands required by the current labour market in the project pre-planning stage; 2) to carry out a survey on the synergies between education and labour market aimed at reevaluating  the key competences gained by the would-be dentists in HEIs to match with the competences needed by the professional setting; 3) to use the survey results  in order to  work out and adapt relevant methodology for the target group, as well as develop teaching and learning materials to equip students at the partner HEIs with the transversal skills required by the professional setting; 5) to use  ICT-based technologies in developing an OER for the benefit of gaining and validating new skills and competences;  6) to implement blended mobility in order to employ the relevant methodology approach, teaching and learning materials on dentistry and the OER using the English language as an instrument of  communication.

Needs to be addressed:

1) students' new skills and professional competences required and recognized within and cross-national boarders in dental education and in the labour market in the EU countries.

2) HEIs needs for synergies and cross-fertilization,

3) HEIs needs to update the existing curricula and supply it with  transversal skills and new competences required by the labour market,

5) HEIs needs for the creation of OER produced in Europe as a flexible and modern learning pathway.


Coordination of the project in ISCAP / Researchers involved:
Prof. Clara Sarmento
Prof. Sandra Ribeiro

Combined Shape
