Entrada > Investigação > Projetos > Concluídos > iGEN – Interwork between Generation Z and Employers

iGEN – Interwork between Generation Z and Employers

Name of the Project: iGEN – Interwork between Generation Z and Employers
Project Number: 2016-1-CZ01-KA202-023939
Project Coordinator: Ceska Zemedelska Univerzita v Praze (Czech Republic)
Type of Project: ERASMUS+ (Strategic Partnerships for Vocational and Educational Training – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Development of Innovation)
Project Lifetime: 1st of September 2016 until 31st of August 2019 (36 months)               

CZU Czech University of Agriculture Prague (Czech Republic)
Trebag Szellemi Vagyon- Es Projektmenedzserkft (Hungary)
Dekaplus Business Services Ltd (Cyprus)
Exponential Training & Assessment Limited (United Kingdom)
INNEO - StudioTwórczego Rozwoju (Poland)
Instituto Politécnico do Porto (Portugal)
Media Creativa 2020, S.L. (Spain)               

HORIZONTAL: Improve achievement in relevant and high-level basic and transversal competences in a lifelong learning perspective
VET: Promoting work-based learning in all its forms, with special attention to apprenticeship-type training

Aims and Objectives
The first intellectual output is a methodology providing methods, tools and best practices for SMEs to create an attractive, supporting and retaining working environment, based on the results of the gen Z survey and further research. It aims to help companies gain better understanding of the attitudes, motivators and drives of gen Z, learning how to support and motivate them to work more productively, how to satisfy their needs as employees and how to manage and deal with conflicts.

The second intellectual output closely linked with the methodology is the Mentor training, developed based on our surveys of European SMEs’ and gen Z’s demands.

The third intellectual output of the project is a soft skill training material produced for members of gen Z, based on the company survey and further research, prepared in a form adjusted to gen Z’s learning ways. This will help young employees to be more prepared for,  and more confident and content at work, more assertive and able to solve problems due to understanding the demands of the job market and the working styles of older generations.

Intellectual Outputs
O1 Methodology
O1.1. Report of gen Z survey (ISCAP)
O1.2. Report of company survey (Trebag Ltd.)
O1.3. Methodology Development (CULS and Trebag Ltd.) 

O2 Mentor training
O2.1. Development of the training material
O2.2. Joint staff event
O2.3. Pilot training

O3 Gen Z training
O3.1. Development gen Z training material
O3.2. Pilot training 

Coordination of the project in ISCAP / Researchers involved:
Prof. Paula Peres
Prof. Anabela Mesquita


R&D Unit 

Combined Shape
