Entrada > Investigação > Projetos > A Decorrer > ENFEM - Female TCNs Integration in Local Communities through Employability and Entrepreneurship Local Oriented Strategies

ENFEM - Female TCNs Integration in Local Communities through Employability and Entrepreneurship Local Oriented Strategies

Name of the Project: ENFEM  - Female TCNs Integration in Local Communities through Employability and Entrepreneurship Local Oriented Strategies
Project Number: GAP-101038287
Project Coordinator: Instituto Politécnico do Porto (Portugal)
Type of Project: AMIF – Asylum, Migration and Inclusion Fund
Project Lifetime: 1st of December 2021 until 30th of November 2024

P2 – Stimmuli (Greece)
P3 – DA&DA - D'Antilles & D'Ailleurs (France
P4 – CEIPES – International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development (Italy)
P5 – Municipality Quart de Poblet (Spain)
P6 – SIF - Socialiniu inovaciju fondas (Lithuania)
P7 – PATRIT - Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania (Romania)
P8 – CSI - Center for Social Innovation Ltd (Cyprus)
P9 – EILD - European Institute for Local Development (Greece)
P10 – Municipality of Razkrižje (Slovenia)
P11 – SIKESO - Advisory Center for the Support of the Family (Cyprus)
P12 – ADDMA - Athens Municipality Development and Destination Management Agency (Greece)
P13 – VAF - Vital Aid Foundation (The Netherlands)

Aims and Objectives
The general objective of the project is to support the integration of TCNs in local communities – and, thus, society more generally – by achieving a better match between skills and demands in the EU’s labour markets, focusing specifically on female TCNs who have the lowest representation rate in labour force participation compared with male TCNs and European citizens.

Coordination of the project in ISCAP / Researchers involved
Ana Luísa Martinho (Coord.)
Helena Salazar
Joana Castro Fernandes
Joana Querido
Manuel Silva
Susana Bernardino
Tiago Pimenta Fernandes 

Research Unit

ENFEM Website

Combined Shape
