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Sítios para Tradutores

APT - Associação Portuguesa de Tradutores
Associação para defesa dos tradutores e da língua portuguesa.

Associação de Tradução em Língua Portuguesa. - Solutions Guide
Set of Web-based multilingual tools designed to remove language barriers across the World Wide Web.

Internet Resources for Translators
Página pessoal com várias hiperligações na área da Tradução.

The Journal of Specialised Translation.

Language Automation, Inc.
Language Automation is a provider of high-quality translation services for the videogame industry and a developer of advanced language tools. We are located in the heart of Silicon Valley, just south of San Francisco, California.
Traduzioni in inglese - Englisch-Übersetzungen - Tanya Harvey Ciampi. - The translators workplace
Directory of professional translation services by freelance language translators & translation agencies.

Shareware Connection - The best Shareware Resource
Software Download: Translation.

The Translator
Sítio muito completo com várias ofertas de emprego e hiperligações de interesse.
Agence de Traduction, Toutes combinaisons de Langues, Tous Domaines.

Translation Journal
A Publication for Translators by Translators about Translators and Translation.

Translation Research
Translation and language resources, directory of translators.

The Translation Reference Center.

Yearbook of Experts
Experts are listed on at least nine topics each.


Fidus interpres
Podcast: Spanish and Portuguese as dialects of the same language?

Forums for Translators
Links to several online listservers and forums where you can post questions or seek answers about language.

Forum Witschaftsdeutsch
Lehr- und Lernhilfen für den berufsbezogenen Deutschunterricht.


The LINGUIST List is dedicated to providing information on language and language analysis, and to providing the discipline of linguistics with the infrastructure necessary to function in the digital world.

NOTIS - Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society
NOTIS sponsors this site as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information for the translation and interpretation community and for users of translation and interpretation services.

Word2Word Translating Chat
This Chat Room will enable you to communicate between English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Korean and Japanese.

Outros Recursos

Bedford/St. Martin's
Internet Sources.

eContent Localisation Resources for Translator Training.

FishBase is a relational database with information to cater to different professionals such as research scientists, fisheries managers, zoologists and many more.

Internet Search Engines.

João Roque Dias
Serviços de tradução t écnica em português europeu - certificado pela Associação Americana de Tradutores (inglês-português).

Interessante WWW
Seiten für ÜbersetzerInnen und DolmetscherInnen.

Lingu@net Europa
Centro multilingue para a aprendizagem de línguas com apontadores para 3.824 recursos catalogados pela equipa do Lingu@net Europa.

Rhyming dictionary and thesaurus.

Translation and Subtitling resources
A page intended to serve the needs and interests of subtitlers, but as subtitling often is first and foremost a translator’s job, it can be useful for other translators as well.

Translators' Site du Jour
Language Links Plus.

The free encyclopedia.

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